Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Seat belts                                        

A seat belt, sometimes called a safety belt, is a safety harness designed to secure the occupant of a vehicle against harmful movement that may result during a collision or a sudden stop. A seat belt reduces the likelihood and severity of injury in a traffic collision by stopping the vehicle occupant from hitting hard against interior elements of the vehicle or other passengers (the so-called second impact), by keeping occupants positioned correctly for maximum benefit from the airbag, if the vehicle is so equipped, and by preventing occupants being ejected from the vehicle.

 - If the seat belt is worn,ripped or it wont click in to the tounge then that mean the vehicle will fail warrant. All the bolts need to be tight and stable, make sure the belt goes back to place when you pull it towards the tounge, if it does not then that will fail warrant aswell.


- When you are taking off a seat belt you first need to take off battery cable, as wires are connected to it which could cause damage. carefully take off the seat let cover and not to brake anything and undo the bolts. Clean all the dust. Take off the metal nail that is  in the belt and pull the belt out and replace it the same way you took it off.


- Steering, brake,hand brake secure
- Indicators and full beam working in dash board
- Check seat beat, should lock, check all belts in car
- No rust on structure
 - If it has a space saver/ spare wheel, make sure its secure.
- Inside and outside handles working
- Make sure gas cap is secure
- Check back and front lights
- Has to have reflectors working
- Make sure head lights are in center
- Make Sure the horn is working
- Wiper blades need to be in good condition
- Windows must have no cracks in front of drivers side about "30 cm"
- Shocks , tyres , steering boot and brake hose need to be in good condition.
- Speedo needs to be working
- Suspension, wheel bearing , steering rack need to be in good condition ( no excessive play )
- No exhaust leak , no rust and leak on manifold

-Every car has its own VIN ( Vehicle Identification Number)  number which is manly under the bonnet, if not then it would be by the door frame somewhere. You also need the make, modal , odometer and registration N.O as-well. Make sure all the numbers are correct so double check if you are not sure.

- When checking the vehicle , make sure you look carefully and not to miss out a problem on the car because its for the safety of the people and if an accident did happen after you have passed the vehicle, it might be your fault.

      <<<<<<<   VIN NUMBER

 - If there is a problem with the vehicle then you need to tell the person that owns the car to fix it before they get their warrant. They have 28 days to fix it so they can get a RE-CHECK, if they do not want to pay again for another inspection .